Baby model, neonatal care model, newborn care simulation human

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Born a child is the happiness of a family. The advent of the baby is a heavy responsibility. How to care for this delicate new life? Recently, a association held a newborn care and practical training camp, which attracted the family planning staff of various communities and parks, and more than 70 pregnant mothers and prospective dads to participate.

Born a child is the happiness of a family. The advent of the baby is a heavy responsibility. How to care for this delicate new life? Recently, a association held a newborn care and practical training camp, which attracted the family planning staff of various communities and parks, and more than 70 pregnant mothers and prospective dads to participate.

The activities of the activities of the confinement club brought everyone a lecture on scientific parenting knowledge, and popularized the knowledge of neonatal eczema, jaundice and other knowledge. Teachers have been engaged in obstetrics for many years, have rich experience in clinical care for maternal and infants, and are good at practical guidance of newborn care. After the lecture, several pregnant mothers and community family planning workers were invited to use the baby care model to learn how to brew milk powder, how to exchange diaper to newborns, and what kind of actual childcare skills are the correct position. The biggest highlight of this event is the participation of 4 prospective dads. They put on the bib pants with fake pregnant belly, experienced various inconveniences during pregnancy, bending down, bending down and lace, and learned more about the hard work of their wives in life. The scene felt a true feelings in the laughter and laughter.

Senior smart baby simulated

Pregnant mothers who participated in the event praised the event, and the family planning staff of each community also benefited a lot through such practical training. According to Director Yin Wenhui of Jinggang Town Health Office, since last year, Jinggang Town has organized family planning staff to study and obtains a national -level reproductive health consultant certificate, which has improved the theoretical knowledge level of family planning workers. This practical training is to apply the theory to better practice, improve the service quality of our staff during pregnancy and birth visits, health knowledge publicity, etc., and further improve the satisfaction of the masses of family planning work.