Barnic training model, senior infant infarction model, baby airway obstruction training model

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Examination method: Take a disposable PVC disinfection barrier mask and spread it on the face of the senior infant infarction model. Do the mouth and nose to breathe artificially.

First check the simulation of the sick baby is a foreign body infarction

Examination method: Take a disposable PVC disinfection barrier mask and spread it on the face of the senior infant infarction model. Do the mouth and nose to breathe artificially. When performing artificial respiration, if the breasts of the child can fluctuate, it means that there is no foreign body infarction, and the thumb of the chest is pressed and recovered. If the chest of the senior infant infarction model cannot be ups and downs, it is determined that it is simulated as a pneumatic infant infant.

Senior infant infarction model

1. First, put the infarction foreign body (black sponge block) into the throat of the mouth, simulate the baby's airway infarction scene.

2. Then, the simulation baby rides on one side arm, and at the same time, the palm of the hand is fixed to the neck of the back, fixing the baby's jaw angle with the other hand, and the simulation baby's head slightly lean back to open the airway.

3. The forearm of both hands will turn the baby and flip the position; tap the scapula of the baby's back 4 times with the palm roots, check the mouth, such as foreign objects (black sponge blocks), and quickly take foreign objects.

4. Using another method, fix the baby's forearm, turn it into a supine position, and quickly implies the simulation of the baby's two nipples and the next thumb 4 times to check the mouth, such as foreign objects (black sponge blocks). Quickly take a foreign body method.

5. If the obstruction fails, repeat the back of the back and the chest impact movement multiple times.